"The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear; then he can do his work. The professional knows that fear can never be overcome. He knows there is no such thing as a fearless warrior or a dread-free artist." - Steven Pressfield

Wherever you are on your artistic journey, we will give you the tools to break through blocks and solve the many tricky ways the mind can prevent you from achieving your artistic genius/calling; procrastination, self-sabotage, meaningless sex, self-dramatization, victimhood. 


Your Unique View

You are an artist, you see the world in a unique way. The creatives we work with have a variety of areas they want to work on; some sense they should be doing more public relations or the other side of that coin is they are scared to share their work with others. Some creatives want help defining their goals or some have already defined goals and want help putting them into motion. Others want to establish a routine or add structure to allow them to more efficiently meet the demands of their clients while creating their best work. We have a program structure that has proven successful across many different needs. We help you get a sense of clarity and give you the tools to make intentional progress. 



  • STEP 1: Clarity. We find out what you want to change, improve, figure out, etc. This part also involves exploring where and how you have been successful in the past. Many creatives find that talking with someone in a supportive coaching role helps gain immediate clarity. 
  • STEP 2: Working Towards Achievement. Naturally, this step is contingent upon Step 1. We have many different strategies, techniques, tools, and even a recipe or two to help! In this step we also look to overcome any obstacles you may have and if necessary update strategies you might be using and of course the best part is elevating your accomplishments! 
  • STEP 3: Refresh and Rejuvenate. After you have grown and achieved we find it helpful and necessary to reflect. It's also important start looking to the future and planning the next step for growth. It's critical that this period of reflection be guided to keep momentum going.