We live in a wild, crazy and unpredictable world but that isn't an excuse for you to live a ho-hum average life that you aren’t happy with. You can’t control the weather but you can take full control of your life. Our personalized and group coaching programs offer clear, simple workable approaches that will get you dependable results. Guaranteed.  We help you figure out who you are and why you function the way you do. Then, most importantly we teach the steps necessary for lasting change. Maybe you aren’t the person you want to be yet -- reach out and start living up to your potential.


The start of a life-long journey

Significant improvements in performance are the result of small daily decisions, done consistently. In short, consistent focus and consistent action. We give you the tools to make this happen. Our coaching services for individuals vary from a 1-month intensive coaching program up to 12-months of customised plans tailored to your specific needs. As your trusted partner, we help you understand how all the elements in your life and environment interact so that you can live the best possible life with all aspects working in the same direction.


How do your programs work?

We offer a variety of programs crafted to meet your situation. All programs start with a strategy session to outline your goals and we learn what is holding you back from living the life you were created for. Next we work with you through the following steps:  

STEP 1:  Demolition and Blueprints 

The universe gives you everything you need to honor yourself and achieve your calling. First we do an analysis; find out  what you currently do well and what you would like to change. Next, we get rid of the noise (i.e. the mind chatter that says you aren't good enough etc.) and tap into your specific genius to find you purpose. In step one we work with you to understand your current set of beliefs and values that guide your behavior. Before we start renovating your life we need to know what's behind the walls so we can rewire any beliefs that may be holding you back.  We also want to build on the strengths that have given you success in the past.  The unique techniques we use help create a fast sustainable platform for change. So now you will have a clear and updated understanding of how you view yourself and the world at large preparing you for step 2. 

STEP 2: Building the renovated you

We have cleared out any old beliefs that were no longer serving you -- now we work on establishing the new beliefs, values and patterns of behavior aligned with your goals.  There are two ways to know something Intellectual Understanding vs Direct Experience.  Direct experience is necessary for success. Imagine trying to explain what an orange tasted like to someone who has never had one before. You could say it's sweet, juicy and a bit mushy, it may or may not have seeds.  That could also be describing watermelon or a strawberry. To actually Know, you need to directly experience. Imagine the difference between driving a 4 door sedan and a Ferrari. This step is where you get behind the wheel and start learning how to drive your new life. 

STEP 3:  Living your new life

This step focuses on reinforcing your new mental and behavioral habits.  In this step, we do any required fine tuning as your goals develop. As you start to have successes and achieve your goals we work with you to establish new goals and continue to map the direction of your life. When your personality is aligned with your purpose you will be unstoppable. We are 100% focused on your success!